1 Intake Anzacs 1948
Intake Organiser: Dutchy Holland EMAIL HERE or 0499 229911
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On the 2nd of January 1948 the induction into the Royal Australian Air Force of thirty-three young boys marked the start of the RAAF Apprentice Training Scheme. Earlier the government had approved an Air Board proposal for the establishment of the scheme into which it expected to recruit bright young boys with exceptional technical ability, initiative and potential for leadership. However in a less than effectice recruiting drive and a positive work situation in Australia at that time resulted in a most disapointing response from the community.
For the most part instead of bright young boys from better schools coming forward, the RAAF had to contend with recruits from humbler backgrounds. At RAAF Station Forest Hill a young, naive, innocent George met up with friends of equal age, naivety and innocence. For three adolescent years those young boys lived, worked and played together with little parental guidance and, while they received excellent technical and general service training, mostly they were left to discover for themselves, life and all its intricacies. In doing so, many a humourous situation arose as they stumbled their way from puberty to young adulthood.
from Indentured in Blue by George Homer
1 Intake Anzac
We marched and marched
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