17 Intake RADIO 1963
Intake Organiser: Peter Duncan EMAIL HERE or 0407 113094
Website: None
Facebook Page HERE
17 Intake RADIO Members Page
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Making our way to RAD School
There were 43 of us who started out in 1963 , 26 of whom graduated in 1965.
A few left within the first 3 months and some failed after the first and second year at RMIT. They were remustered to Inst or Elec.
Some who graduated went on to Aircrew etc.
We are in touch with 26 survivors. Three of these do not participate by choice.
We have lost 7 along the way.
Tony “Ats “ Reading (EngRad) in December 2019 to cancer. RIP
Robert (Bob) Matters (RadTechA) RIP
Graham (Pansy)Sinclair (RadtechG) RIP
John Veitch (RadtechG) RIP
Peter Outtrim (RadTechG) RIP
Glen (Shorty) Stevens( RadTechA) RIP
Alec (Mang) Robertson (ElecFitt) RIP
We marched and marched
Photo Gallery
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