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Covid 19 a poem

Writer: Dutchy Holland 27 RATDutchy Holland 27 RAT

Many of you would have heard of Bill (Buddy) Withers, Framie from 1 intake ANZACS who went on to being a Sgt Navigator on P2 Neptunes at11 Squadron back in the early 50s. Bill Illustrated George Homer's book 'Indentured in Blue' that is available in the book menu.

After Bill was commissioned, and before he went into Politics, he was seconded to the CSIRO and flew through many a storm with them for seven years, doing the cloud seeding experiments they carried out in the late 50s and early 60s. Well Bill now lives in an Aged Care Facility in Perth, and he just loves the attention he gets from the Ladies of many nations who work there as carers. So he's written a poem which he intends reading to them this Anzac Day. Bill has shared this advanced copy with his RAAF Apprentice brothers.


Why should anyone, want to write about a pandemic, in verse?

The answer to that question would contain words, very terse.

But it need not be that way, it should be a poem of appreciation,

to those who serve us, Military, and Carers, who maintain station.

We cannot march, or pray in groups, traditionally as on Anzac Day,

but, as individuals, there is another group, to homage we must pay,

Doctors, Nurses, Health Workers, Carers, S.E.S, who risk their life,

every day, to tend the aged and infirm, and many others in strife.

The coronavirus has exposed insanity and stupidity, beyond belief,

but also exposed, compassion, for those in need of care and relief.

How can those, who fight for toilet rolls, be in the human race?

Do they say, they believe in the ‘Spirit of Anzac’, to save face?

Today, 25th April, we remember mates and sacrifice in the military.

We, now, add our thanks to those who serve us, to keep us healthy,

They risk their lives, helping others to maintain their sanitation,

with antiseptic soap, the washing of hands and now, vaccination.

Scientists and health leaders advise parliament of the need for laws,

to limit groups. and to cover individual activity, inside and outdoors.

We must heed the advice from government to win the war, and yet,

we remember those who served us then, and now,.. Lest we forget.

By Bill Withers, ANZAC DAY 25th APRIL 2021



Scott Wood
Scott Wood
Mar 07, 2021



Sean Brian
Sean Brian
Mar 06, 2021

Brilliant and apropos. Makes me think about my Dad who I assisted recently to move to a retirement village. My Dad needs much assistance also so here's to those who care!

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