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Writer's pictureDutchy Holland 27 RAT


Recently I sent out a survey requesting feedback on the 2021 Wagga Reunion. 40 members replied to the survey so I am assuming that everyone else thought it was amazing. LOL

Some takeouts from the survey that we will fix next time:

  1. LARGER TEXT for names and Intakes on the name tags

  2. Add trades to the name tags

  3. Welcome Address at the Friday night event

  4. More seating at the Meet and Greet

  5. Quieter Music on the Saturday night

  6. Turn up the PA System so everyone can hear the speakers

  7. Have bar open at registration time. This was an intention of the committee but we were advised at last minute that there was a licensing issue. We will have a look at this next time.

Everybody thought that the Range Centre was excellent and I do have to agree. I might suggest that intakes show their colours next time by bringing along free standing banners flags etc. You cant keep letting the RATS outdo you.... (hows that for a Gee Up).

Generally though, people thought that the event was well run. A couple suggested that the the choice of menu was limited which could be fixed by increasing the price. But others pointed out that they thought that it was a bit pricey so we really cant win there...

Just be aware that we do listen to this feedback and we will rectify those issues that can be fixed and try to mitigate those that cannot.

The Antelopes (22 Intake) took out the most attendees with 24 members followed by the Beavers (15 Intake) with 18, then the RATS (27 Intake) with 17. I would like to make special mention of the Sloths (44 intake) with 5 members. It was great to see you guys in attendance. John McDay from 4 Intake was the oldest member at the event this year.

Numbers of attendees by Intake:

1 Intake 0

2 Intake 1

3 Intake 0

4 Intake 1

5 Intake 0

6 Intake 0

7 Intake 0

8 Intake 5 + 5 Partners

9 Intake 3 + 1

10 Intake 2 + 2

11 Intake 1 + 1

12 Intake 1 + 1

13 Intake 6 + 5

14 Intake 4 + 3

15 Intake 18 + 12

16 Intake 1

17 Intake 14 + 4

18 Intake 11 + 8

19 Intake 11 + 4

20 Intake 1

21 Intake 6 + 5

22 Intake 24 + 16

23 Intake 6 + 6

24 Intake 2 + 1

25 Intake 3 + 2

26 Intake 2

27 Intake 17 + 14

28 Intake 3 + 1

29 Intake 1

30 Intake 1 + 1

31 Intake 13 + 5

32 Intake 1

33 Intake 1

34 Intake 1 + 1

35 Intake 1

36 Intake 1 + 1

37 Intake 0

38 Intake 0

39 Intake 1

40 Intake 0

41 Intake 0

42 Intake 1

43 Intake 0

44 Intake 5

45 Intake 0

46 Intake 0

A special thanks goes to to our ever suffering partners who have probably heard our Appie stories a thousand times but still show up to these event. We love all of you.

For those who did not attend the event, we have been invited to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of RAAF Base Wagga in October with the CO RSTT hosting a dinner in the old engine hangar. Tickets will be limited due to Covid safety restrictions and the expectation that both RAAFSTT staff and current students will also be in attendance. I will post more information on this event as soon as I can. Dates have not been set yet.

Finally I would like to thank everybody who attended the Wagga Reunion. I was somewhat sad to see that the earlier intakes were not well represented. I have an intention to see what we can do as a group to get those earlier intakes to these events.

If you would like to see the survey results follow this link

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